United States Forest Service Logo


The US Forest Service is required to maintain an accurate inventory of Abandoned Mines Land (AML) features on FS Lands. This is to support the expansion of the supporting inventory geospatial databases, processes, AML datasets, transcription, and materials QC (e.g. spreadsheets, hardcopies, AutoCAD files, and other formats of records) accurately into the AML Schema collaboratively with MGM staff.

Problem and Solution

The USFS required help in coordination and communication skills along with technical skills in File GDB lifecycle to support MGM owned assets working closely with COR. Tasks include:

  1. Developing processes and end to end workflows for MGM staff to locate, acquire and quality control AML data 
  2. Coordinating with Forest Service staff and partners to locate and compile existing vetted Forest Service AML data
  3. Creating and populating a database of unvetted AML data for use in future field verification actions

To start, Xentity helped develop business needs identification, a requirements lifecycle, consolidation and distribution workflows, and workflow scripting and automation. Also, Xentity worked with data administrators to understand schemas, needed or missing attributes, data dictionaries, storage, and quality controls to ensure authoritative data. All of which was to be utilized by applications and available to end users. Furthermore, we provided crosswalk field mapping and data uploading. Also, Xentity worked with data administrators to use AGOL and Portal. This ensured authoritative data is utilized by applications and available to end users. Finally, Xentity supported the identification of missing or unvetted AML data or missing attributes, crosswalking external data and conduct and collaborate on field mapping resolutions, guidance of handling field mapping, and crosswalking as needed.

Outcome and Benefit

Xentity’s data gathering activities helped drive web application development and data enhancement activities. Also, we supported the collection of data for using new and existing solutions and workflows. Furthermore, Xentity was able to ensure quality control until datasets were uploaded in the resulting AML database using the existing Pro add-in crosswalk tool. Finally datasets were uploaded in the aforementioned AML database as well. All of which helped USFS in maintaining an accurate inventory of AML features and data.