Varying Maturity Levels – Change Reaction
Going off our previous blog, what are the various ways to view maturity levels of businesses?
Maturity Levels | Name/Pattern | Description |
1 | Side “I” Routes | Bound for failure – Driven by either all Soft Science or all Hard Science |
2 | Corner “L” routes | Transitional, Hope – Driven by historic Soft or Hard, and after the fact, looks at the other |
3 | Middle “C” routes | Mission Integrated – Analysis blends cross-organization as part of the culture |
4 | Mixed – Top “Y”, lower “Z” Routes | User Integrated – Analysis understands and can manage customer experience and needs |
5 | Utopian | Only exists on earth in business school textbooks |
Maturity Level 1
Side “I” Routes
Engineering change – When frustrated by governance or business, typically through a skewed perception of imprints, technology is consequently streamlined out. This is usually cut out IF the advance is widely impactful, but not cut out if it is localized.
Visionary change – Visionary without execution sets out a new unit to establish new objectives, but never inserts itself into business, policy, or has the organization to manage a business, implement services.
Change gets implemented in a segregated fashion due to the reaction to the imprint – Organizations are truly split (Figure 3).
- Examples: Dot-bombs were soft (financial market) or tech (new silver bullet invention).
Maturity Level 2
Corner “L” routes
Hype Change – Take a societal change of acceptance to a new technology innovation, put it through legislation, and implement the technology, but without seeing how to measure performance and properly manage the business.
PR Change – Take a societal reaction to a short-term fiasco (i.e. public corruption), bypass legislation, state how it will be measured, and implement service based on existing approach.
Momentum based organizations are split, but subcultures have some alignment to allow for bullish efforts (Figure 3).
Unfortunately, this is the current management model in Civilian Government. This is mostly due to legislative instability in external drivers, which has fostered a copycat culture within agencies.
Maturity Level 3
Middle “C” routes
Consumer Change (left) – Consumer demands regarding service and product providers, drive the organization to adapt policy, and change performance within business. However, they use the old ways to produce, not to integrate new advancements that could improve mission objectives.
Management Change (right) – Management reacts to new innovations, establishes policies and new investments to take advantage of such. However, investments tend to not live up to policy goals, as they never took into accounts mission objectives, and still focus on siloed objectives.
Not until recently, with legislation changes due to new societal values desiring an end to this overspending, has the investments in technology governing resources through channeled mechanisms.
This change is causing the subcultures to move slowly, based on the imprint left when they tried to execute the mission decades ago. Unfortunately, they have little faith that performance can be achieved.
This requires a strong executive showing and a demonstration of follow-through, smart teaming, and experience in transformational leadership.
This is for organizations ready for business transformation, either in response for relevancy or in response to modernization (upgrade experience and total cost of ownership impact).
Maturity Level 4
Mixed – Top “Y”, lower “Z” Routes
Integrated Performance Management – Balancing Societal needs and Innovation to set realistic objectives that are measurable, and govern new innovations to better achieve those goals.
Integrated Change Management – An integrated approach across all sub-organizations involved with business and IT Management. This allows for proper maturation and expectation setting by legislation while implementing innovations to better achieve the mission.
Strategic Planning and Performance Management focuses on the Top Y (Imprint)
Business and Technology Management focus on the lower Z (Reaction)
More integration between the two will allow for true integrated change (Blends Soft and Hard Science together)
This is the ultimate model when traditional softer science executive management bodies (executive, operations, financial, product lines) work closely with engineering, service centers, and process, line, or data lifecycle managers to ideate together. The more successful private organizations are in this model.
Maturity Level 5
Utopia? Though utopia is a dream we all may not want, the best integrated approach would include:
- A combination of societal change and innovation External factors and Timing dependent
- Vetted through governance Assured boundaries of change
- Setting performance objective Assured Measurement of boundaries
- Proper funding for business management Held accountable by objective measure
- Provision of products and services that meet cost and relevancy needs in continuously improving fashion
Next section will cover some case study examples and what goes beyond pattern identification.