Problem and Solution
The American Dental Association is an Illinois nonprofit corporation that required a variety of Geospatial Development tasks. The American Dental Association (ADA) required a digital map that could update data for members, geocode locations, and tie in records. They needed to establish a way to maintain this data as well not only for the attributes, yet linked to territories, related files, and have a way to interact to get to files via a map or table.
Order Summary
Xentity provided both the ETL solution and CARTO-based map solutions. The team first designed ADA Foundations Map and Survey Tool ETL to the CARTO platform. We used agile approaches to rapidly develop the . Furthermore, we developed the encrypted ETL and Map solution as well as additional efforts such as Action for Dental Health Map and Dental Practice Pilot. . Further we provided CARTO hosting for multiple years. For starters, Xentity worked to provide a few general features to complete these requirements. Specifically, an interactive CARTO Map, filters and display setting options, various indicators showing statistical information, the ability to share, link and export, and make it browser and tablet friendly. Xentity also provided data management that helped handle all aspects of the data, including exporting data from source systems and loading into CARTO in the correct format that will be compatible to answer the required questions. Furthermore, we worked with datasets involving hospitals, ADA dentists, clinics and medical facilities and more.
Outcome and Benefit
These rapid implementation solutions transformed these primary functions for greater efficiency for communicating with their ‘ambassadors’. Their cloud-based solutions were provided in accordance with best industry practices and setup to handle significantly high volumes of expansion in capacity without encountering degradation, whether anticipated or not. In Short, the IT worry was minimized. We supported the cloud service for multiple years, and this proved true.