
This project was a collaborative effort of both the Land Remote Sensing Program (LRSP) and EROS to develop and operate a functional capability to obtain, characterize, manage, maintain, and prioritize land remote sensing requirements (LRS). This Task Order wasa continuation of previous NLIP Communications tasks. Previous tasks have focused on coordination and strategy development for near term communications taskings.

Xentity provided support for NLIP communications strategies and work product development. Xentity coordinated with NLIP Project and Task Order Management to ensure all deliverables met quality standards, business needs were met, and the task was delivered on schedule.

Problem and Solution

Xentity provided business consulting services, architecture development, systems integration services to the USGS and NOAA to modernize and re-engineer Earth Observation portfolio management business processes. The design’s success depended on sound data management and migration strategies to ensure the portfolio was accurate and meaningful for enterprise analysis. The team performed gap analysis with existing systems, technologies and data, developed application integration designs, facilitated data migration, and developed authoritative data management practices. Xentity transformed the business operating model through reengineering techniques, designed the architectural repository to manage information to support the risk and investment strategy for the asset portfolio. The team designed a requirements management system and the supporting business processes to drive the evaluation of the assets leading to new coordinated acquisitions.

For the Land and Remote Sensing program, Xentity led a cross department (Interior and Commerce) initiative. This helped develop a common business process, information management system and portfolio evaluation method. This supported the Federal Portfolio of Earth Observation Systems. Also, Xentity re-engineered and designed a requirements management business process. These supported both the USGS and NOAA Earth Observation portfolios and clients adopted them.  Furthermore, organizations adopted the requirements process and the supporting architecture knowledge base. They were subsequently recommended to be used for the Near Earth Observation (NEO) Assessments. The Office of Science and Technology for the Policy for the President (OSTP) conduct these matters.

Xentity supported both NOAA and the USGS in conducting the first NEO portfolio assessment. Also, the process designs and architectural models were delivered on schedule. They have also led to the development of shared data processing capabilities between the agencies.

Outcome and Benefit

Xentity’s efforts accomplished the following tasks, and in doing so demonstrated our data program strategy capabilities:

  • Created a Project Plan and timeline.
  • Helped organize meetings for USGS and NASA, and completed the necessary communication workshop(s).
  • Conducted Elicitation and Workshop(s) to develop content for overall implementation deliverable via teleconferences and meetings.
  • Researched and developed Inventory of LRS Com Assets, Review of RCA -EO communications planning materials.
  • Developed a Near Term 1 to 5 year Calendar for events addressing stakeholders.
  • Develop Messaging and channel plans for stakeholders.
  • Support NLI in execution of Message Delivery in accordance with channel strategy and calendar.


Starting in 2021, Xentity has continued providing business consulting services, architecture development, systems integration services to the USGS and NOAA to modernize and re-engineer Earth Observation portfolio management business processes. The team continued to perform gap analysis with existing systems, technologies and data, developed application integration designs, facilitated data migration, and developed authoritative data management practices. Xentity continued to transform the business operating model through reengineering techniques, and design the architectural repository to manage information to support the risk and investment strategy for the asset portfolio.