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The FS OFSC office provides AGOL and Tableau Apps to provide climate and sustainability data decision support to its Agency operations and natural resource management stakeholders. Aligned to Executive Order 14072 and USDA Secretarial Memo, a Climate Smart Decision Support System was required for a variety of reasons.

Problem and Solution

The aforementioned Climate Smart DSS development task required an individual intermediate geospatial analyst to do vector and raster-based analysis, configure AGOL web map apps, and provide related advice and recommendations. Xentity supported the development of new geospatial resources that allow for spatial inventory and prioritization of conditions, areas, watersheds, and landscapes on the National Forest System. All of which play a significant role in promoting carbon storage, biodiversity and wildlife habitat conservation, ecosystem integrity, and climate resilience. This included climate refugia and species migration, connectivity, and movement corridors.

Specific tasks included app requirement evaluation to understand the identified processes and features Also, AGOL-based app development. Furthermore, Xentity took part in data development, helping to create a requirements lifecycle. Also, Xentity took part in data coordination and AGOL data management. Furthermore, while implementing, Xentity helped migrate the database to VDC, provided access requirement validation, hub setup and configuration, app configuration, testing and development and much more. Finally, Xentity helped to provide user support.

Outcome and Benefit

The DSS assessed climate change vulnerabilities and risks to key National Forest System resources and community values. It evaluated the effectiveness of current management direction, enabling reduction of those key vulnerabilities and risks. Also, it identified potential gaps in current management. Furthermore, it assessed and prioritized reforestation opportunities. Finally, the DSS tool supported the development of recommendations to the USDA’s secretary on how to address identified gaps. Also, in how to prioritize and design projects while considering multiplied interrelated outcomes.