The US Forest Service is a multifaceted agency that manages and protects 154 national forests and 20 grasslands in 43 states and Puerto Rico. The agency’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.
Problem and Solution
The USDA Forest Service has need for technical and analytical support with development, streamlining, and implementation of workflows to prepare and process spatially-explicit datasets to support NEPA analysis for vegetation and fuel management projects, National Forest monitoring, National Forest plan revision and amendment, Emergency Action Determinations (EAD), post-fire rapid assessments, fire suppression operations and other emergency activities, development of National Forest Land Management Plans, natural resource monitoring and assessments, and other geospatial analytical support projects. Xentity is working to provide the following services:
- Natural Resource & GIS support and recommendations
- Custom Script Design and Development
- Geospatial Technical Support
- Remote sensing data, aerial imagery, and other raster processing, analysis, data mining, statistical analysis, and management
- GIS Analysis and Support
- Communications and Graphics Support
- Program Management & Maintenance of Project Information Tracking Spreadsheets
Outcome and Benefit
Xentity’s efforts helped to accomplish a variety of outcomes and benefits. Their natural resource and GIS support helped analyze complex resource management challenges, and provided recommendations regarding how datasets are generated. Also, their custom scripts will be used for multi-scale analyses of bioclimatic, vegetation, wildlife and other natural resource and socio-economic data. Furthermore, remote sensing efforts will help model ecosystem dynamics, disturbance regimes, time-series analysis and other vegetation analytics. Finally, management and maintenance efforts help coordinate ongoing work with government employees. This is yet another effort to help transform data-driven organizations into more efficient operations that Xentity is proud to be a part of.