The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) has recently tasked both Xentity and ICF to modernize geospatial data management applications and services specifically for the Wildland Fire Community. The seven year effort will transform how data will be leveraged to support the wildland fire management lifecycle across planning, operations, logistics for pre, during, and post incidents. The team will leverage expertise in wildland fire, disaster management and land solutions enabled by cloud-native geospatial technology and advanced analytics to modernize USFS’ Fire and Aviation Management Enterprise Geospatial Portal (EGP). The EGP is a vital resource that offers standardized geospatial information on wildfire activities. Using a human-centered design approach, the team will create a seamless, scalable solution, “EGP Next Gen.”. Our shared goal is to empower the wildland fire community to make data-driven decisions swiftly in a mission-critical environment.
Check out the press release from ICF here for more information.