We scheduled a Geo Colorado Meetup for this Thursday 8/8 at 7PM in Golden near Colo Mills/NREL at Xentity Headquarters. The Geo CO group – http://www.meetup.com/Geo-CO/ – formed in early 2012 with a specific goal of gathering together like-minded individuals in the Colorado area who like maps, GIS, OpenStreetMap, cartography, shapefiles, cartodb, tilemill, and anything in between. Based on the idea to help connect each other for learning and socializing about mapping, software, projects, datasets, biodiversity. Also, anything else that sounds related.
So…meet some other folks and hear what interesting projects, tech, and problems they are working on.
Link for RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Geo-CO/events/130146222/
Invite others, the more the merrier after all. If you aren’t available, but think of others that may be, feel free to pass this on.