USFS Region 8 wanted a more efficient, robust, lower cost, and higher quality process to support the use of LiDAR data across the region for programs and projects. Specifically, USFS Region 8 wants to find ways to speed up the extraction portion of the ETL to get LiDAR files and then make derivatives.
Problem and Solution
The task was to explore technologies which can be used to avoid downloading terabytes of USGS 3DEP files in favor of balancing efficiencies, processing cost, and overall performance. This task order will result in an evaluation of new workflows, for the creation of testing of derivatives for the two areas specified, and a documentation summary of the findings as well as collaborative discussion.
Xentity generated five derived mosaicked LiDAR products required under the PWS, each of which must include FGDC-compliant metadata. We also demonstrated the derivative generation in alternative technologies and demonstrated the efficiency benefits. Finally, resulting data products generated from USGS 3DEP data were provided to the GTAC image server for posting and sharing.
Outcome and Benefits
It’s important to note that each derivative end product was generated per specified performance standards for 2 areas of interest. Using alternative workflows and technologies, we addressed Region 8’s desired improvements. Also, we created a process document which outlined the processes used to generate the LiDAR products. This included the time needed for each step. Furthermore, we created a Comparison Document. This document outlines the differences, the potential benefits or gaps, between the derivatives created using the USGS AWS service, and the FS derivatives created using Fusion with manual downloads. All of which helped Region 8 in its mission in balancing efficiency, processing cost and better overall performance.