Data ETL
The primary focus of this project was the ETL of the data into an already-built specific structure and new LiDAR Standards. Xentity also assisted with moving LiDAR data, moving files, and restructuring to more common tile structure. This ultimately went into the new ERDAS Apollo deployment. Secondary focus will be to provide support in filling requests for LiDAR data.
Moving LiDAR Data and Files
The Office of Information Technology required help in efficiently moving LiDAR data and files into the new ERDAS Apollo deployment. Xentity supported changing to new LiDAR standards. Furthermore, using ESRI WITH 3D and spatial analyst extensions, Erdas Imagine and Erdas Apollo, we supported Class 5 LAS, Bare Earth DEMs, and contour file types. We also demonstrated the ability to run pre-built python scripts and make minor coding adjustments as necessary.
Restructured Files
Xentity’s efforts produced a restructuring of LiDAR files as directed by OIT lead.