Improve Performance – Plan And Manage Your Change

Your project, program, or organization leadership typically hinges on how effectively you implement relevancy. Webster defines the word relevancy (re-lə-vən(t)-sē) as “having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand”, which usually means improving performance or integrating change in your organization. Both improving performance and integrating changes help you realize the goals you are attempting to achieve.

Areas Where Our Clients May Encounter Issues Requiring Our Services Include the Following

  • Program Management: Few projects are delivered on time, on budget, on scope, or meeting quality goals. Sponsorship may be lacking which does not govern risk, and Project Management is still not agile.
  • Planning to the beast and not the customer: At the operational level, there is a “risk aversion” fear of making decisions that lead to a innovative approaches or straying from norm. And why not, what is the reward for doing things better?
  • Your Team is thinking about surviving, not thriving: Is your mission management model or system designed to manage sustained change and transition proactively while building this into the culture? Or is it setup to run operations, and as issues come up react instinctively to each issue? You may have been organizing units by a product or service, but are your metrics setup about growing and increasing in relevance?
  • Enterprise Planning’s flavor of the day: Due to either past failures or perceptions, or new approaches are repackaged in ways tried before, internal buy-in from an organization toward integrated or collaborative techniques are killed before they can begin. Enterprise architecture, team functional/segment analysis, or agile project management may have been “tried” before, but instead of evaluating why they failed the baby gets thrown out with the bath water or enterprise planning gets tossed aside.
  • Shopping hungry (aka Funding Mismatch): You have a great new change plan and/or great new architecture, but it is unfunded for both short and long-term engagements. How do you work within your budget which is a constraining variable in all work formulas precluding optimization across elements? You may synthesize and aggregate new engagements as you see fit. Some programs may actually receive correct funding. However, key functions of program budget tend to misalign which limits are accomplishable.


Many of these issues required addressing before engaging in change management initiatives. Also, many are part of the new change plan. However, a concept or set of recommendations is just that. There must be a way to continue buying back the risk of implementing changes in integrated, efficient, and effective patterns.

Our management services focus on introducing the right performance management and/or change management tools to help your realize the goals of your initiatives.


We Use An Integrated Change Approach

The key to Xentity’s success at executing business transformation, governance, and excellence in communication management has been in the knowledge of how to integrate. For example, to tie all domains of program engagements together to create a sum value greater than the individual parts. In 2006, Xentity published an approach on enterprise planning business intelligence and management. This approach was provided to the Department of the Interior to improve change management coordination typically between CIO investment and information management. The groups involved included CyberSecurity, Privacy, Capital Planning and Investment Control, Enterprise Architecture, Project Management Plans and coordinating OMB required PAR. Also, other strategic performance reports. In commercial organizations, some of the rigor, policy, or other aspects may very, but the tenets remain the same.

To make changes among these previously disparate and uncoordinated efforts, an Integrated Change Management approach was recommended. This includes an integrated oversight of the parts that requires connection, understanding, and communication prior to significant investment. These efforts receive further support by excellent communication and project management skills to facilitate the changes.

So What?

This is crucial to the execution of Enterprise Information Management, Program Management Offices (PMOs), and Data Lifecycle Management concepts. This includes multiple driving force directions pulling on it. For example policy change, regulations and compliance, mission direction, which included strategic plans and transformation blueprints, and change budget pressures. These approaches help ensure that Enterprise Architecture plays a key role in being a coordination component. Then to organizing strategic principles, product and service roadmaps, transformational blueprint recommendations. Also, resulting plans such as product, capital, integrated strategic, and even future business cases. Yet at same time, is just one of many key change leadership and management components.