2008 saw the development of the Federal Segment Architecture Methodology (FSAM). Then, January 2009 saw its launch. At the time, the Department of the Interior expended great effort to establish a “best practices” approach for government-based development and investing in segment architecture. Subsequently, we saw the Methodology for Business Transformation (MBT) brought up as the core basis for a cross-agency effort over the last year to become a federal approach. Other agencies added some valuable improvements to the process. Also, the CIO policy added in clearer dependencies on IT compliance across CPIC, Security, and others. As the Overview of FSAM summarizes:
The new FSAM is a step by step process for developing and using segment architecture that leverages existing “best practice” analysis techniques and easy to use templates to expedite architecture development. FSAM includes process steps that identifies and validates the to be defined business need and the scope of the architecture (e.g., new initiative or integration / consolidation of existing initiatives). FSAM includes the interfaces to other processes including performance / investment management, enterprise transition planning, solution architecture development, and system lifecycle management
The Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) is a cooperative effort with the federal architecture community. It began in January 2008 as a sub-team to the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (AIC) and therefore, an element of the Federal CIO Council, at the request of the OMB Chief Architect
2012 Update:
2012 saw the release of a new more focused method for connecting to portfolio development and less on connecting to IT Implementation Architecture and compliance. It is called the Collaborative Planning Methodology. The FSAM site has unfortunately been taken down, so the files for internet records are located below.
- FSAM_Process_Step_1_v1_0 Templates: FSAM-step1
- FSAM_Process_Step_2_v1_0 Templates: FSAM-step2
- FSAM_Process_Step_3_v1_0 Templates: FSAM-step3
- FSAM_Process_Step_4_v1_0 Templates: FSAM-step4
- FSAM_Process_Step_5_v1_0 Templates: FSAM-step5